All living things need food. Without food, we will starve to
death. Food gives us energy to do work. As soon as we are
born, the babies of many animals feed on their mother's milk
in order to live and grow. As they grow older they continue to
feed themselves to keep alive. We eat different types of food
everyday to be strong and healthy. We must eat food that has
all the important things that the body needs. We must eat
proteins and carbohydrates. In Malaysia, many people enjoy
eating out there are various types of food. There is Malay food,
Chinese food and Indian food, as well as food from foreign
countries like Japan, Korea, Vietnam, and Italy. Everyone has a
favourite food. Some people prefer hot and spicy dishes like
curry and laksa others do not. Young people prefer fast food
like pizza and hamburgers and of course, everyone loves ice
cream and cakes.