Match each word with the phrase that best defines it.

The following matches are correct:
Imperialism- the practise of extending a country's power and influence
Alliances- countries that support each other or are bound by a mutual agreement
Militarism- building a strong military to improve national standing in the world
Nationalism- a movement to form and support a new nation.
Imperialism is the state's pursuit of expanding its power and dominance, frequently via the use of both hard power—most notably military force—and soft power—either through direct territorial conquest or by acquiring control over other regions' politics and economies.
Whether or not a formal agreement has been reached between them, an alliance is a connection between individuals, groups, or states that have come together for their mutual benefit or to accomplish some common goal. Allies are those who are a part of an alliance.
Militarism is the idea or desire that a state should keep a powerful military and utilise it aggressively to advance its interests and/or values. It can come from a government or a population.
A movement and ideology known as nationalism contends that the state and the nation should coexist. As a movement, nationalism frequently works to advance the interests of a particular country, particularly when it comes to establishing and preserving the country's sovereignty over its own country in order to establish a nation state.
Supporting answer
To learn more about Imperialism, nationalism, alliance, militarism here