In ancient Egypt, they realized that some illnesses were the result of a specific occurrence or action. Which actions or occurrences did they realize caused illnesses?

Respuesta :


Snake bites, insect bites, and accidents


According to history, the people of Egypt would have suffered from ten plagues. According to Judeo-Christian tradition, these plagues would have been sent by God to deliver Israel from Egypt.

Among the plagues of Egypt we can highlight the death of Pharaoh's firstborn, the waters in blood, the lice and the scabies. The Egyptians always believed that the diseases were being caused by the fury or whim of some god, however; leaving aside the religious and mystical aspect, the Egyptians realized that some diseases were the result of a specific occurrence. These occurrences were snake bites, insect bites and accidents.


Snake bites, insect bites, and accidents.


Ancient Egyptians were the first at documenting their medicinal knowledge. Thanks to that, we can see they even had recepies to deal with different illnesses. Egyptians knew dieseases had causes by somehting external. They saw how snakes and insects were essential to spread illness. They concluded some animals were cause of sickness. Additioanlly, Egyptians were very cautious to avoid accidents as they realized how some works led to some illnesses due to the accidents which could happen while working . To sum up, everyday activities led Egyptians to find origin to some illnesses which affected them.