The birth control pill led to most demographic changes and more gender equality.
The birth control pill was a revolutionary invention that managed to change demographic trends and to give more equality to women. Before this pill was invented, the women, if they got pregnant, pretty much ended any aspiration they had to achieve. They had to get married, often had several more children, became housewives, and were economically dependent on their husbands.
This totally changed with the birth control pill. Women were now able to choose whether to get pregnant or not and when to do so. This meant that they were able to pursue their dreams, educate themselves, make a career, and be more independent. This also led to a sharp drop in the birth rates, with most women choosing to have one or two children, and they have them at a later stage in life, not while they are teenagers or in the early twenties. While everything here is positive for the women, the society and its economic stability actually suffer because the population aging and there are fewer and fewer young people for the future labor force.