Write a program that has a user guess a secret number between 1 and 10. Store the secret number in a variable called secretNumber and allow the user to continually input numbers until they correctly guess what secretNumber is. Complete the method guessMyNumber that uses a while loop to ask the user for their guess and compares it againist secretNumber. For example, if secretNumber was 6, an example run of the program may look like this:_______.

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The following code is written in Python. It is a function called guessMyNumber and like requested creates a random number and saves it to secretNumber. Then it continuously asks the user for their guess and compares it to the secret number. If the guess is correct it exits the loop otherwise it will continue to ask for a new guess.

import random

def guessMyNumber():

   secretNumber = random.randint(1, 10)


   while True:

       guess = input("Enter your guess: ")

       guess = int(guess)

       if (guess == secretNumber):

           print("Congratulations you guessed correctly")