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Suzy worked as an office manager for 3 years. She didn't like her job since all she would do was to ensure the office was running smoothly, help the other staff and many more. Although there is a lot to do at her job that seems to be interesting, she wasn't very happy about it. Every time, she keeps thinking about quitting her job and do a better work that she would love. A job she could think about was to be a CEO of a restaurant company. Although this wasn't her dream job it was someone else's. In the past, Suzy's father and her grandmother raised her very well. Her father worked very hard to achieve his dream which was to own a restaurant company, but it didn't happen as he passed away from a car accident. Throughout those years, she has appreciated every moment with him and especially his hard work. His dreams didn't happen, but she is going to make it happen for him from her love.