
Musical Theater

21. In large theatres, when actors need to be miked for the audience to hear them, the sound crew is responsible for ____________________.
A. Sound Effects
B. Hand Props
C. Sound Reinforcement
D. Set Props
22. The ___________ crew is responsible for anything an actor wears on stage.
A. Set
B. Props
C. Make-up
D. Costume
23. If an actor enters carrying a coat over his arm, the coat would be a ___________.
A. Costume
B. Hand Prop
C. Set
D. Set Prop
24. If the same actor enters wearing the same coat, the coat would be a __________.
A. Costume
B. Hand Prop
C. Set
D. Set Prop
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25.If the same coat is hanging on a coat rack, it is a __________________.
A. Costume
B. Hand Prop
C. Set
D. Set Prop
26.The _____________ crew is responsible for anything an actor applies to his/her skin or hair.
A. Make-up
B. Props
C. Sound
D. Costume
27.When technical rehearsals start, the __________________ takes over the run of the show.
A. Producer
B. Stage Manager
C. Tech Director
D. Director
28.A _____________ is a rehearsal without the actors present which gives the tech crews time to rehearse their jobs.
A. Performance
B. Wet Tech
C. Load-in
D. Dry Tech
29. _________________ rehearsals are "stop and go" rehearsals where the work of actors and technicians are brought together for the first time.
A. Performance
B. Wet Tech
C. Load-in
D. Dry Tech
30.The people who run the light board during a show are called the ______________,
A. Master Electricians
B. Light Ops
C. Electricians
D. Spot Ops
31.The person who runs a follow spot is called a ______________________.
A. Master Electricians
B. Light Op
C. Electricians
D. Spot Op
32.Whenever scenery moves on or off stage horizontally from the wings, or offstage areas, this is the responsibility of the ___________________.
A. Carpenters
B. Deck Crew
C. Props Crew
D. Fly Person
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33.If scenery moves in and out from above the stage, that is the responsibility of the __________.
A. Carpenters
B. Deck Crew
C. Props Crew
D. Fly Person
34. ___________________control the sound reinforcement and sound effects during a show from the mix position in the auditorium.
A. Master Electricians
B. Sound Ops
C. Electricians
D. DJ’s
35.The ______________ makes sure all the hand props are laid out on a table in labeled areas.
A. Actors
B. Deck Crew
C. Props Crew
D. Fly Person
36.It is the _______________ responsibility to pick up and return hand props.
A. Actor’s
B. Deck Crew’s
C. Props Crew’s
D. Stage Manager’s
37.It is the ________________ responsibility to make sure all set props are in position on stage before the audience arrives.
A. Actor’s
B. Deck Crew’s
C. Props Crew’s
D. Stage Manager’s
38.The ____________ help performers into their costumes and make sure everything looks good.
A. Other Actors
B. Deck Crew
C. Props Crew
D. Dressers
39. _____________ crew members help the actors with anything they put on their skin or hair.
A. Costume
B. Make-up
C. Dressers
D. Props
40.If a live production is like a living being, the ___________________ is the brain that tells all the other parts what to do while the play is being performed.
A. Producer
B. Stage Manager
C. Tech Director
D. Director

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Any ? Means I’m that Im not sure
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