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It always been in my mind.. The days when Acting and Singing was not considered as a profession is long gone.. I’m basically from Southern part of India where my whole generation lived. I have always told by my grandmother (She’s desperate about acting) that she also wanted to be in acts. In those days there were no actor/actress they were just stage performers. I strongly told, those days people go for acting is because they didn’t had any other source of income. But these days think about the life the celebrities.. why even the name “Celebrities” is seen a on top (“Look at the proud look of her seeing her/his fans”). Isn’t it a proud (prestigious) feel when a big group (Crowd) of people wait in hot sun just to see you wave your hands???? So, how they reached here from being a job that is just taken to earn some.. It is because of the Improvisation in the field, the Improvisation of the script, technique etc., We people are the reason why they are at this place now. So, What made us like them so much and rush to theaters to watch their movies like sick?? “Semiotics of acting” this shows the significance of the way we are been entertained. The transformation of the people perception from just a work to a prestigious profession is the time when we were entertained by all the way we wanted. The Elements that attracted to them include the actor's gestures, facial expressions, intonation and other vocal qualities, rhythm, and the ways in which these aspects of an individual performance relate to the drama and the theatrical event (or film, television programme, or radio broadcast, each of which involves different semiotic systems) considered as a whole. [1]
Its all about we get to see everything in a movie. You live the movies thought the acting by the performers. To me I get to put myself in the shoes of the actors when I watch the movies, I thoroughly be entertained. So ultimately when I see that actor somewhere I will want to applaud him/her for the performance.. Just think how many watch’s the same movie and how many would want to applaud so they become sensation and it eventually considered to be an prestigious one..!!!
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i think it right if not have a great day