
Write 2 paragraphs (each 5-10 sentences) about all types of bullying *not just physical, or cyber bullying, all the types* 1st paragraph will be about the problem, 2nd paragraph is how you can solve it. Also, this will NOT be a story, its a project. WILL GIVE YOU BRAINLIEST ANSWER!!!!!

Respuesta :

Bullying has been a problem with students and most of the time adults.At first you will never know that you're getting bullied.Bullying can hurt the victims feelings.Bullying victims can also commit suicide because they don't want to be bullied any more.Here are some ways to solve bullying.

Bullying can be prevented by standing up for your self.You can also tell the Principal of your school to take care of it.If you are a bystander don't keep quiet, speak up.If you are a victim of bullying just remember other days will be better than today's.Always remember words hurt more than actions do.
There are many types of bullying such as cyber bullying, physical  bullying, verbal bullying, and social bullying. Cyber bullying is through the internet. Many people are cyber bullies because most are to afraid to say hurtful and mean things face to face. Physical bullying includes, pushing, shoving, hitting, punching etc. Social bullying is used to hurt someone through a relationship such as excluding someone from a group of friends, spreading rumors or even the "silent treatment." Verbal bullying is when you bully someone by using mean words, such as stupid,idiot, ugly, wanna-be and etc. All types of bullying is mean and wrong, and most bullies do it because they are insecure of themselves. They bully others to make themselves feel better by making someone else feel lower. 

Here is how to deal with all types of bullying. You always tell an adult/parent when any type of bullying occurs. You should never keep these things to yourself. You should also pay zero attention to minor-name calling, such as stupid, or idiot. You should never try to take on a bully by yourself. Instead have a teacher/adult to help you confront the bully and put an end to the problem. 

I hope this helps you! 
Sorry for the late answer