Answer: First water is a liquid. Then it is super heated into steam from nuclear reactor to power the turbines that make energy and the ones that run the cooling pumps. Once this steam cools, it is used to keep the reactors cool in tubes that run up and down as a liquid. Not all of the water makes it. Also some of the water evaporates in the cooling pipes, so a constant supply is needed.
The water in the pumps keeps the reactor rods cool. The water slowly boils to an extent, so more is needed. So left-over steam is fed here. Water is not wasted. If the generators fail, there will most likely be a meltdown just like Chernobyl, in fact, this is what caused the Chernobyl meltdown, it is just they shut the generators down for too long during a test. These generators are powered by the steam. Use the answer portion. The explanation part well, you know, describes and backs-up the answer.