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As the teachings of Calvin spread and gained momentum, his influence on the city of Geneva became ever greater. Other founders and adherents of the Protestant Reformation came to Geneva to defend themselves from persecution.
tHe eXpLaNaTiOn iS iN tHe bOoK
The teachings of Calvin spread and also acquired momentum, and his consequence on the city of Geneva evolved ever greater.
How was Calvinism?
Additional founders and adherents of the Protestant Reformation arrived in Geneva to protect themselves from persecution.
Calvinism is prevailing specifically in conservative and moderate groups among the Reformed Baptists, Reformed churches, and some non-denominational churches.
Many endeavors have been embarked on to reform Calvinism and especially the principles of the Reformed churches.
The most marked and most premature of these was the theological and political movement anointed Arminianism, already cited in connection with the Synod of Dordrecht.
Arminianism was rejected by most Reformed churches but eventually prevailed in the Church of England, despite Calvinism existing as the formally assumed system of doctrine in that church.
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