

1. If the iPhone increases from $800 to $900, what does this do to demand?

A. Decreases Demand.
B. Decreases the Quantity Demand
C. Increases Demand
D. Increases the Quantity Demand

2. The price of gas is expected to increase later in the year. What will happen to the demand for SUVs later in the year?

A. Demand Increases
B. No change in demand
C. Demand Decreases
D. Quantity of Demand Decreases

3. The government has imposed a new regulation for car companies to install baby seat anchors to support baby seats in all new cars produced. How does this change supply for cars?

A. Does not impact supply
B. Decrease Supply
C. Decreases Quantity Supply

4. Papa Johns has a sale on pizzas, how does that impact demand?

A. Increases the Quantity Demand
B. Decreases the Quantity Supplied
C. Decreases Demand