Respuesta :
Answer: okay um how a bout a sport played in a forest where you play tag but you can't touch the ground so everyone is in the trees and the only way you can touch the ground is if you find a feather in a tree then you have like 1 minute to race to the next tree you want to be in and the feather rule applies to anyone who is being tagged or who is the tagger and everyone has to wear a warm color like red orange or yellow so they are easily visible
Dodge soccer!
You will need a soccer net
At least 3 players
Some dodgeballs
A room or a field
How to play:
And you will begin on one side of the room or field
How to play:
You will start at one side of the field or room, and 1 person will go in front of the goal. Then you will try to throw the ball at the net, and if you hit the back of the net you score a point! The first to 50 points wins!
(Each time you make a point, you need to pass off the ball and start at the other end of the field again. To earn points each team mate has to have the ball in their hands for at least 10 seconds before shooting!)
This is played outside or in a house!
I've done this before! :) (not my example)