The novel is The inspector callsthe character is Shelia, her crime killing Eva Smith.Eva was a young woman, destroyed by the cruel world that surrounded her. hard enough she was working class but she was pushed and pushed. It was awful what happened to her but Shelia is not to blame. yes, she did get her fired, but let me remind you who fired her from her first job, who refused her the raise she deserved to survive. Mr birling of course! Not only this but Mr. Birling is the kind of man that would influence a 'young impressional' girl with his selfish Capitalist views. with her upbringing, it's the parents that deserve the blame. Mrs. Birling refused a pregnant women help and two weeks before her death. don't you think this was the cause of the death of Eva smith? Shelia holds her guilt unlike her parents when it's the older generation with their capitalist view that is to blame. they are the ones who should be responsible for the suffering of the working class.