you will create your own interest group to address one of the social needs of the late 1800s and early 1900s. Use your knowledge and your 21st-century skills to:

choose an issue relevant to the late 1800s or early 1900s to address
prepare a one-paragraph summary of the issue
choose a name for your group
thinking as a person living during this time period, draw up a list of demands (about five or six) and discuss which are the most important and which you are willing to limit through compromise
choose meeting times and places appropriate to the people who would be involved

Respuesta :

I hope this info can help you to create the paragraph. One of the most jaw-dropping issue was the children labour. It was very common to see kids from 6 years upwards to work as a normal adult by the thinking that earning money in the states is difficult and they had to work to get food. You may choose a name like Antichild labour group(Just an Idea). The list of demands could be: 1. for kids to go to school instead of working.2. for childs to be protected from oppresive people 3. for the childs to have the right to choose wether to work or not, 4. for the parents to guarantee protection and food and 5. To create studying centers for children with no money(free education for the poor)
Universidad de Mexico