Respuesta :

Answer: 6-decene is not possible because the double bond cannot be in a C atom with number 6. The correct name for this hydrocarbon is 4-decene.

This is explained below.


This question is about nomenclature of organic compounds.

  • The -ene ending of the compound 6-decene indicates that it is an alkene: presence of at least one double bond between carbon atoms.
  • The prefix dec indicates that it has 10 carbons (C).
  • The absence of names of other groups or atoms indicates that it is a hydrocarbon (only contains carbon and hydrogen atoms)

These are the basic rules to naming this kind of compounds:

  • To specify where the double bond is, number the carbon backbone in such a way that the lowest possible number is used to indicate the position of the double bond.
  • Use the lowest number of the two C atoms involved in the double bond.
  • This number is placed at the beginning of the name and is separated with a dash.

Let's try to write the compound named 6-decene:

  • 10 carbons: CH₃ CH₂ CH₂ CH₂ CH₂ CH₂ CH₂ CH₂ CH₂ CH₃
  • number the C atoms:

       CH₃ CH₂ CH₂ CH₂ CH₂ CH₂ CH₂ CH₂ CH₂ CH₃

        ¹       ²      ³       ⁴      ⁵      ⁶       ⁷      ⁸      ⁹      ¹⁰

  • place the double bond in the carbon 6 (between 6 and 7):

       CH₃ CH₂ CH₂ CH₂ CH₂ CH = CH CH₂ CH₂ CH₃

        ¹       ²      ³       ⁴      ⁵      ⁶       ⁷       ⁸      ⁹      ¹⁰

  • Note that the double bond is closer to the right ending. That means that you must number from right to left (starting by the right ending). So we must change the numbers, and this is the result:

       CH₃ CH₂ CH₂ CH₂ CH₂ CH = CH CH₂ CH₂ CH₃

        ¹⁰      ⁸      ⁸       ⁷      ⁶       ⁵       ⁴      ³      ²      ¹

Hence, you have seen that the name 6-decene is not possible.

Since, the double bond is linking the carbon number 4 and the carbon number 5, the right number for that hydrocarbon is 4-decene.

Here, you can realize that the furthest that the double bond can be is in the middle of the chain, this is between the number 5 and number 6 C.

That means that the highest number that could be used to name any decene is 5: 5-decene, and the correct name for the compound given is 4-decene.

It can be concluded that naming 6-Decene is not possible, cause If we look at this structure, the C atom that has double bonds must get the smallest atomic number so that the right one is 4-Decene

Further Explanation

An alkene is a saturated hydrocarbon compound that has a double bond 2

Alkene has the molecular formula CnH2n

The rules for naming alkene compounds are almost the same as alkanes, namely:

  • 1. The longest chain is the chain that has the most C atoms that have a double bond in it
  • 2. Naming the double bond from the main chain based on the location of the C atom which has a double bond

If there are 2 or more double bonds in one main chain, the naming begins with the letter di, tri, tetra, etc.

  • 3. Numbering starting from C atoms which have two bonds gets the smallest value
  • 4. Branch chains are named according to the number of C atoms with the name alkyl

Decene is an alkene with the formula C₁₀H₂₀

In the question stated 6-Decene, it means that there is only one longest chain with 10 atoms C

Following the naming rules in point 3 above, that numbering is following the location of C atoms which have double bonds with the smallest number

If it is mentioned 6-Decene, it means that the location of the double bond lies in C number 6

If we describe it as follows

  ₁       ₂      ₃      ₄       ₅      ₆        ₇     ₈      ₉     ₁₀


If we look at this structure, the C atom that has double bonds must get the smallest atomic number so that the right one is 4-Decene, and numbering starts from the right, so numbering becomes:

 ₁₀      ₉       ₈      ₇       ₆      ₅        ₄    ₃      ₂      ₁                    


So it can be concluded that naming 6-Decene is not possible.

Possible names for Decene are: 1- Decene, 2- Decene, 3- Decene, 4-Decene and 5-Decene

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