The Nutrition Research Paper for this class composes the highest weight for class assignments and is worth 100 points. It gives you a chance to develop a thesis, research reliable sources of nutritional information, put them into your own words, evaluates them, and present them in a well written paper. You to pick a topic (see list of possible ideas) that is of personal interest to you. Researching and Learning are so much easier if it is something that you yourself are personally interested in and want to know more about. Learning becomes more deeply ingrained in your mind when you have to organize your information sources and present them in an understandable manner.
Use reliable sources of nutrition information. You will need to have a minimum of six sources. They cannot all be from the internet; one must be from a current periodical (like Magazines or Professional Nutrition Journals), and one must be from a nutrition textbook or an interview with a qualified Nutrition Professional (as defined in Section 2 of this course). Additional sources may be used if desired.
You should also provide an application of this project to a "real life" situation. For example, if you are researching lactose intolerance in humans, it will add greatly to your paper and grade, to interview or talk to a person with lactose intolerance and describe how they cope with it and what level of intolerance they have. Or if you have a genetically influenced nutrition-related disease, like diabetes or heart disease, it would be good to talk to family members who have it and to describe how it has influenced your family.
Papers will be word-processed on the computer using MLA methods of documentation. Also you must include at least a 6 to 7 sentence paragraph, in which you write what your personal interest in this topic is, whether you felt your sources were reliable, what you feel you learned from doing this, and how you feel you can apply this in life situations.
Ideas for Nutrition & Wellness Research Paper
Diet and Diabetes (can focus on either type 1 or 2)
Nutritional Supplement Products (e.g., Slimfast or Ensure, etc.)
Nutrition for End-of-Life Issues
After selecting your topic, your next step in developing your research paper is identifying excellent Web resources where you can find the information you will need later when you develop your paper’s thesis statement and outline. A critical aspect of creating a good bibliography of Web-based sources is assessing whether these sources are valid and dependable. Use the form below for each of the five Web sites you select to show that you have fully assessed the quality of each site.
Remember, you want sites that include content about your topic and the civilizations you are comparing and contrasting, all during the appropriate era. Answer the last question in each form to demonstrate how that Web site will provide information about your chosen topic and civilizations.
Provide the following information for each website.
Please help me!