Which of the following sentences is from an autobiography? 1)karen practiced her sport daily. 2)herald was a good father. 3)paul won a prize for his outstanding journalism. 4)i did not know my small act of service would go down in history.

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Answer #4 is from an autobiography, an autobiography is a piece written by someone, about themselves, so in this case, answer 4 is the only one with a pronoun relating to oneself.


Sentence 4) I did not know my small act of service would go down in history is from an autobiography.


An autobiography is a self-written piece of writing that accounts of the life of oneself. In other words, it is the biography of oneself narrated by oneself. Therefore, sentences 1,2 and 3 cannot be from an autobiography because they are narrated in 3rd person. Sentence 4, on the other hand, meets the requiremets to be considered as part of an autobiography.