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When most people first think of the term mathematics or the word "Algebra," they don't get too excited. Most people tend to say "I hate math!" or the big one, "When are we ever going to use it in our lives." The fact is that algebra will be used in our lives whether we know it or not. For instance, if we were to attend a football game all it is, is one big math problem. In football mathematics can be used in a variety of different ways. It can be used in the game itself, the business portion (ticket sales), or the building of the stadium. Without math the world would not be the same as we know it to be today.

            One way that we can apply math or algebra to the game of football is trying to find out the revenue collected by ticket sales. Without the use of algebra a football team owner couldn't accurately calculate incoming revenues. Most likely he would be losing more money then he would be making. A professional football team is based on a salary cap. There is billions of dollars invested in the sport and the money needs to be keeping track of.

            Another way that algebra could be used in the game of football is trying to find the total gain or loss of yards made by the players. This is good for player stats as well as game stats. In football you can use algebra to try and determine how much further you have to go to score or attempt a field goal. These can be major factors in a very close game to plan out a good strategy. This game is basically about skill and strategy and math can be a tool that can lead to success in both areas.

            The more major part in football that can use math is the building of the stadium. To build a good stadium for fans to be entertained you must have perfect calculations. More importantly is the safety of the people.

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