The Momentum of Colliding Objects Lab

Objective: Observe and calculate the momentum of different balls. Compare the

results of collisions involving different amounts of momentum.

Background: In bowling, the ball’s momentum is very important. The bowler must ensure that the ball will travel toward the pins and not into the gutter. The size of the momentum also matters. If the momentum is too small, the ball will knock over very

few pins.

Materials: meter stick, softball, tennis ball, baseball, racquetball, masking tape, balance, stopwatch and trough

Safety: Goggles for eye safety & wash your hands when we are done

Procedures: Use the balance to measure the mass of the racquetball, tennis ball and baseball. Records them on your data table.

Measure a 2-meter distance on the floor, and mark it with two pieces of tape. Arrange the trough so that it begins at one line of tape and extends about a meter beyond the other line of tape.

Place the softball in the trough over the piece of tape. Starting from the other piece of tape, slowly roll the racquetball along the trough toward the softball.

Use a stopwatch to time how long it takes the racquetball to roll the 2-meter distance and hit the softball. Record on your data table.

Measure and record the distance that the softball moved

Repeat steps 3-5, rolling the racquetball quickly.

Repeat steps 3-5, rolling the tennis ball slowly and then quickly

Repeat steps 3-5, rolling the baseball slowly and then quickly.

Data Table must have






Distance Softball Moved

Racquetball rolled slowly

Racquetball rolled quickly

Tennis ball rolled slowly

Tennis ball rolled quickly

Baseball rolled slowly

Baseball rolled quickly

Analyze your Data:

Calculate the momentum of the rolled ball for each trial using the formula p = mv. Show your work below and record your answers on your data table.

Graph the relationship between the momentum of each ball and the distance that the softball moved. The s-axis should be momentum (kg.m/s), and the y-axis should be distance (meters). Attach your graph paper to your lab report.

By looking at the graph, what can you conclude about the relationship between the momentum of the colliding ball and the distance the softball moved?

Describe how an object’s velocity and mass affect the amount of momentum that it has?

Explain why bowling balls have such a large mass. What would happen if you tried to bowl with a ping pong ball? Explain

When you bowl, should you roll the ball gently? Explain your answer.

Respuesta :


Mass and velocity are both directly proportional to the momentum. If you increase either mass or velocity, the momentum of the object increases proportionally. If you double the mass or velocity you double the momentum.

Therefore, precession results in greater friction between the lane and the bowling ball, since the oil is "spread out" on the surface of the bowling ball in a larger area than if the ball did not precess. ... This means that precession raises the level of friction between lane and ball.
