Can you help me construct a strong thesis statement for my comparison essay? Here is my essay. The thesis must be 2-3 sentences long and have transitional word. Will mark brainlist if helps.

(Need thesis here) “If” by Rudyard Kipling and “Billy Elliot” by Lee Hall, both inform the reader about individuality and conformity in their own ways. The theme of individuality is developed in the poem through the father’s words of encouragement but in the play, the theme of conformity is shown through the father’s personal beliefs, which go against his son’s beliefs.
Primarily, “If” by Rudyard Kilping is about a father providing advice to his son. This advice includes being humble around all people, staying strong even when things do not go your way, and maintaining reasonable dreams. The theme or message is the same in both sources. I think that the recommendation from the author is not to conform and follow the crowd but to stay strong in mind and heart. Being an individual is better than necessarily conforming if the group is not being wise. In the text it says, “If you can keep your head when all about you/ Are losing theirs…” (Kipling 1). Also according to the text, “If you can wait and not be tired by waiting/ Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies/ Or being hated don't give way to hating…” (1). To clarify, usually peer pressure demands we lie or engage in hateful behavior to be cool or popular. This hurts the victim and ourselves as our lives are not benefited when we sin, lack integrity, or engage in questionable ethics. This theme is developed through a character’s direct speech. The father is lovingly attempting to give his child the tools to have a successful life. The answer and the keys to the universe is tenacity, morality and kindness, per the father’s words or dialogue.
The text titled “Billy Elliot” by Lee Hall is about a son of a poor coal miner in Northern England who is very different from what is considered a typical boy during that time. He prefers dancing over boxing, and he wants to become a ballet dancer. The theme of this text is that you should not conform to society and rather fulfill your dream. In the text, Billy’s father reacts negatively to Billy’s interest in ballet. According to the screenplay, when Billy asks, “What’s wrong with ballet?”, his father mocks him, showing that he does not support his son’s interests (1). In addition, Billy’s father adds, “Aye, for your Nana. For girls. Not for lads, Billy. Lads do football or boxing or...wrestling. Not ballet” (1). This shows that Billy’s dad believes that his son should stay on par with the norm and pursue activities that other boys take part in.

Both the poem and screenplay respectively develop the themes of individuality and conformity through the use of a father-son relationship. In “If” the father is pushing his son to be the best version of himself. The father provides his son with the lessons to be successful and not conforming to the crowd. This can be seen when the poem states, “If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Or walk with Kings — nor lose the common touch, If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you, If all men count with you, but none too much” (1). The father provides his son with the support and structure to teach him to be his own person and to stay true to himself. The father in “Billy Elliot” should do the same since he instead discourages his son from pursuing his dream in order to conform to the stereotypical things kids his age pursue. This is shown when the narrator mentions, “The mood has been fractured by Dad’s aggressive tone. Everybody stares at Dad.” (1). The father acts aggressively when he interrupts his son’s ballet class. The angry tone/mode continues into the morning setting when the father mocks him and tells him that ballet is not for boys. The father acts negatively and disregards Billy’s interests.
In summation, the poem and the screenplay develop the theme of individuality or conformity. While “If” focuses on the importance of being yourself and not conforming to others, “Billy Elliot” focuses on Billy’s father telling his son to conform and pursue the things that boys his age do. Consider the poem in which the father shares a meaningful conversation with his son or the play of the boy who pursues his dreams and does not want to conform to others. I urge you to read “If” and “Billy Elliot” to learn more about the theme that is developed and the message behind each literary piece. I leave you with this final citation spoken by Ralph Waldo Emerson, “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” I kindly remind you to never be afraid of being yourself but to embrace yourself and life with open arms.