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I noticed that on some of his speeches he kind of stuttered, like he knew what to say but not how to say it. His voice impacted power while his stance impacted scolding.  I felt his tone was not really changing but, it seemed as if it nerved him to speak. Once he started he didn't stop. I've also seen him pause when people start to clap and cheer. His posture was neat and never slouching. He stood tall as a true leader would. His voice never went into a high-tone but it never sounded low either. He looked at his audience and it seemed as if he gave a few seconds to look at each and every one of them. He made sure to speak clearly and not to fast so people could understand him! The audience loved his words and felt inspired. They cheered loudly and clapped as if their hands were cymbals. They were engaged and listening. They were apart of something.


His body language and voice was just powerful and inspiring like that.