Respuesta :

Answer and Explanation:

My day started with a heavy and sad vibe. I had received a series of bad news, in addition to having a series of personal, family and financial problems. I believed that nothing good would happen to me in the future, but I thought that I could at least improve someone's future, so that my existence would not be a complete waste. With that thought in mind, I decided to participate in a volunteer group that distributed food and clothing to homeless people. I wasn't looking for help with my problems, but this activity ended up helping me a lot.

My intention was to help others, but it brought me great peace and tranquility within my heart. Who would have thought that receiving a "thank you" or a "god bless you" from unknown people would bring me so much happiness. My conclusion about this is that when we do good it returns to us, for this reason, I hope never to stop doing good without looking at whom.