You received an information that your brother was involved in a fight.Write a letter to him advising him to be patient and tolerant.

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Letter to brother advising him to be patient and tolerant.


ABC Apartments

New Delhi

My dearest brother,

I have heard the news about you getting involved in a fight with some of your classmates and their friends. I wouldn't say I am disappointed in you but I’m sure you would agree when I say I am angry and saddened to hear about that.

I hope you only learn a lesson from the incident and try to make sure that you don't get involved in such issues again. Fighting is not and never is the solution for any problem, whatever it may be. Instead, be patient and try to resolve the issue without resorting to violence. Moreover, you can also be tolerant, as much as you can't do that. being patient and tolerant will give you a better perspective of things and will also allow you to resolve things on a better and peaceful note. And you need to do that.

So, please learn to be tolerant and patient. This is my advice to you. Listen to the other side, try to find answers without the need to resort to a physical altercation.

I hope I don't receive any such news again in the future. Take good care and stay positive.

With lots of love,

Your loving sister.