1. Babylon
2. Assyria.
3. Ancient Sumer.
1. Babylon: created a written set of
laws to rule their civilization. King Hammurabi popularly known as the first king of Babylon and he established the Babylonian Empire after conquering the whole of Mesopotamia. King Hammurabi enacted sets of written rules and fundamental laws to rule his subjects and it was referred to as Code of Hammurabi.
2. Assyria: were fierce warriors who
created weapons out of iron. The Assyrians used various weapons such as daggers, swords, bows and arrows, spears, slings which were all made out of iron. This weapons gave them an advantage over their enemies who were mainly used weapons created with bronze.
3. Ancient Sumer: created the first known writing system. This writing system developed by the Mesopotamians was called cuneiform. Cuneiform are symbols shaped in the form of a wedge and pressed into clay tablets in order to represent objects.