Menstruation is natural vaginal bleeding that happens monthly. Every month woman's body prepares for reproduction but if no pregnancy happens then the vaginal wall shades off the blood in the form of menstrual cycles.
1. The statement is a woman as the menstrual cycle duration varies upon the hormonal balance. Hence, the menstrual cycle period may change every month.
2. The statement is man as the menstrual blood is not impure because it is like blood shading along with mucus, uterus tissues or some bacteria.
3. The statement is a woman as the cells crush when there is no pregnancy and as a result the uterine lining shades off as menstrual blood.
4. The statement is man as when the woman gets pregnant then she no longer gets menstrual cycles, but they can experience some other kind of discharge.
5. The statement is a woman as the duration of the menstrual cycle depends on individuals hormonal balances.
6. The statement is man as menarche is a signal that tells about the onset of menstrual cycles in adolescent girls. It is not an indication of getting pregnant.
7. The statement is a man after menopause the woman cannot get pregnant as the menstrual cycle has seized and it no longer can support the fetus formation.
8. The statement is a woman as hormones are the most essential in regulating the periods. The increase and decrease in certain hormones level control the cycle.
9. The statement is a woman as the stress affects the regulation of certain hormones hence, regulates the hormonal activity during menstruation.
10. The statement is man as the normal duration of the menstrual cycle varies from person to person some can last for 5 days others can range between 3-8 days.
To learn more about menstruation follow the given link: