Answer and Explanation:
The genetic code is produced. Several amino acids are encoded by more than one code, such as CCG, CCU, CCA, and CCC. These are encoded proline. In some cases, specific tRNAs recognize various diverse codons. In some cases, various tRNAs recognize the diverse codons. On the E.coli chromosomes, there are 86 tRNA, while only 47 various tRNAs are needed to identify sense codons. It depends upon the codon table and the wobble base-pairing rules. The cognate anticodons are shown on the right side for each amino acid, and the codons are shown on the left side. By standard Waston-crick base pairing rules, the first two bases of anticodon and codon interrelate. Depending upon the rule's minimum, 32 tRNAs are required to identify all sense codons in mRNA. Via a tRNAs dependent amino acid modification or a specific aminoacyl tRNA synthase, the amino acids are linked to the cognate tRNA.