Answer: social income class and gender class
1) Social income class; social income class is one of the most important factors in determining whether or not someone graduates from high school. A household that has a higher income can afford the best educational resources in raising their children to graduation rates while a family or individual that is below the middle class income will struggle in trying to keep up.
2) Gender class; this varies from culture to culture. Some culture(especially third world countries) believe that women don't deserve furthering their education, while men are placed ahead and are allowed to further to the highest level of education
An individuals social location has a role to play in determining how well they perform in achieving much in their academic. Social location is defined as the combination of factors including gender, race, social class, age, ability, religion, sexual orientation, and geographic location. An individual coming from a background where he has little or no resources will find it hard in coping in education as he or she won't have access to some materials needed for succeeding.