Respuesta :
Follows are the code to find the prime number:
import java.util.*;//import package for user input
public class Main//defining a class
public static boolean Prime(int x, int j)//defining a method isPrime
if (x<= 2) //use if block to check x less than equal to 2
return (x== 2) ? true : false; //use bitwise operator to return value
if (x%j == 0) //use if to check x%j equal to 0
return false;//return false value
if (j*j > x)//defining if that check i square value greater than n
return true; //return true value
return Prime(x, j+1); //callling recursive method
public static void main(String[] as)//main method
int n; //defining integer variable
Scanner oxc=new Scanner(;//creating Scanner class object
n=oxc.nextInt();//input value
if (Prime(n, 2)) //use if block to call isPrime method
System.out.println("Yes"); //print value
else //else block
System.out.println("No"); //print value
In this code, a static boolean method "Prime" is declared, that accepts two integer variables in its parameter and defines the if block that checks the prime number condition by the recursive method and returns a value true or false. Inside, the main method an integer variable is declared that uses the Scanner class object for input value and passes into the method and prints its value.