Respuesta :


I haven't used qbasic in a quarter of a century, so my apologies if any of these are outdated.

I listed 13 here as I don't know what are being qualified as "commands" (I'm sure print is in there, but INT? LEN? these might be interpreted not so much as commands as functions)

PRINT prints text on the screen.

PRINT "How much wood would a woodcuhck chuck?"

INPUT gets text from the user

INPUT woodchuckwood$

INT casts a value as an integer

w = INT(woodchuckwood)

OPEN opens a file for input/output

OPEN "woodchuck.consumption" FOR OUTPUT AS #f

OPEN "woodchuck.consumption" FOR INPUT AS #f

CLS clears the screen


LOCATE specifies the cursor's location on the screen

LOCATE 10, 10

INKEY$ reads a character from the input buffer

a$ = INKEY$

LEN returns the length of a string

l = LEN(a$)

CHR$ takes an int and returns it's ascii value

$enter = CHR$(13)

ASC() returns the ascii value of a character:

$space = ASC(" ")

DO...LOOP repeats a loop until a condition is met:

x = 0


   x = x + 1


SHARED declares global values as being accessible locally

SHARED $username

SHELL executes an os command

SHELL "dir /w"


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