12. If a basket of guavas weighs 16 kilos, how much do 7 baskets of guava weigh?
A. 112
C. 139
D. 113
13. A vendor bought 60 pineapples at P18.50 each. Five pineapples got rotten but he sold the
P25.00 each. How much did he gain?
A. P992.50
B. P265.00
C. P357.50
D. P357
14.A bakery sells a cake for P270.00. The labor costs P45.00 per cake. Flour costs P38.75.
Other costs add up to P90.25. What is the bakery's profit on each cake?
A. P95.50
B. P96.00
D. 93.
15. In one calendar, what is the ratio of the number of months with 31 days to the number
months with 30 days only?
A. 7:5
B. 5:1
C. 4:8
D. 6:6
C. extremes
D. pr
16. In 3:5 = 6:10, what do you call the outer terms?
A. proportion
B. means
17. Which of the following is equivalent ratio?
A. 4:7 =12:21 B. 8:29:5
C. 65.219:3
D. 1