When the domestic currency is strong or expected to become strong, eroding the competitive position of the firm, it can choose to locate production facilities in a foreign country where costs are low due to either the undervalued currency or underpriced factors of production. This is a strategy related to what type of foreign currency exposure?A. Operating exposure.B. Translation exposure.C. Transaction exposure.D. Asset exposure.

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A. Operating exposure


The Operating exposure may be defined as the extent to which any particular company is exposed to the inflation risk and exchange risk. It is the exposure to the risk occurred in the exchange rate which may impact the revenue of the company.

It refers to he future cash flow of the firm or the company that gets affected because of the change in the exchange rate of the currencies.

It measures the change in the current value of the company that results from the unexpected changes in the currency exchange rates.

In the context, when a company opens up a production facility in a country where the costs are low and the currency of the parent country or the host country is expected to be strong, it is known as the Operating exposure strategy of the company to the increase the cash flow.