Respuesta :


The answer is "False"


Below are some of Regan's believes concerning animals:

* The animal rights movement is cut from the same moral cloth as these (human rights movement - the struggle to secure respect for human rights.)

* Rights view: their (example: animals for science) value were reducible to their usefulness to others, they are routinely, systematically treated with a lack of respect, and thus are their rights routinely, systematically violated.

* We can't justify harming or killing a human being (my aunt Bea, for example) just for these sorts of reason nor an animal. That is where our duty lies, according to the rights view DO NOT USE ANIMALS FOR SCIENCE

* Commercial chasing: ethical quality requires nothing not exactly the complete disposal of chasing

* Our acts, our deeds that changes things. all that philosophy can do, and all I have attempted, is to offer a vision of what our deeds should aim at. and the why. But not the how.

* No deep passions for animal rights: indirect duty views, utilitarianism, contrarianism disciplined passion: the fierce drive to excel, to do it right

demand of us that we overcome for them, the habits and forces behind their systematic oppression.