Most people encounter someone at school or at work with whom they don’t really associate. Pick someone in your school whom you may have classes with but don’t really know. Write down what you think you know about the person. Then, speak with that person and write a response about what you have learned. Write an additional paragraph at the end, discussing how taking the time to get to know someone can make a difference.

Respuesta :

this isn't necessary a question, these are directions.. I don't think other people will be able to help you answer what YOU think of a specific person because its your opinion on what you think of them..although I'll try my best to help.

  1. If your confused what to do it's telling you to think of someone you dont know but you may see them around.
  2. Then write down something along the lines of, "i think this person might be sweet or kind" etc. What you think about them.
  3. Then it's telling you to talk to them directly. Observe how they react and respond to you. Do they seem interested? or do they look nervous or uncomfortable or shy. Keep those observations in mind
  4. At the end its telling you to write a paragraph, "discussing how taking the time to get to know someone can make a difference."

You can start along the lines of, "I may have judged this person as (insert what you think of them before you met them) although they're actually (insert what you now know since you've talked to them). Taking the time to get to know them made me realize we shouldn't judge people based off of what we see or think by their appearance and actually getting to know someone can make a difference in our society and judgments."

Hope this helps!!

I tried my best.

To write what you think about a person, you need to study the person, their likes, their dislikes, put yourself in their shows and make a report or statement about it.

What is Getting Along With others?

This is known to be the act of meeting people and relating with them. As a student this will help you to communicate with others easily.

Note that based on the above, to write what you think about a person, you need to study the person, their likes, their dislikes, put yourself in their shows and make a report or statement about it.

Learn more about person from


Universidad de Mexico