Literary Text: Folk Tale Read this Chinese folk tale. Then, answer the question(s). (1) [A Buddhist nun] left her nunnery near Wei-hai city and set out on a long journey for the purpose of collecting subscriptions for casting a new image of the Buddha.... The first passer-by who took any notice of her was an amiable maniac. His dress was made of colored shreds and patches, and his general appearance was wild and uncouth. “Whither away, nun?” he asked. She explained that she was collecting subscriptions for the casting of a great image of Buddha.... “Throughout my life,” remarked the madman, “I was ever a generous giver.” So, taking the nun’s subscription-book, he headed a page with his own name ... and the amount subscribed. The amount in question was two cash, equivalent to a small fraction of a farthing. He then handed over the two small coins and went on his way. (2) In course of time the nun returned from Wei-hai-wei with her subscriptions, and the work of casting the image was duly begun. When the time had come for the process of smelting, it was observed that the copper remained hard and intractable.... The head workman [said,] “An offering of great value must be missing.” ... The nun, who was standing by, immediately produced the madman’s money, which on account of its minute value she had not taken the trouble to hand over. “There is one cash,” she said, “and there is another. Certainly the offering of these must have been an act of the highest merit, and the giver must be a holy man who will some day attain Buddhahood.” As she said this she threw the two cash into the midst of the cauldron. Great bubbles rose and burst, the metal melted and ran like the sap from a tree, limpid as flowing water, and in a few moments the work was accomplished and the new Buddha successfully cast.
Part A Which statement best expresses a theme of the folk tale?
A. Holy journtneys may be met by difficult obstacles.
B. The spirit behind a gift means more than the gift’s size.
C. The poor are often ignored by the mighty.
D. Miracles may occur anytime and anywhere.

Part B Which of the following excerpts from the passage best supports the answer to Part A?
A. The first passer-by who took any notice of her was an amiable maniac. (paragraph 1)
B. When the time had come for the process of smelting, it was observed that the copper remained hard and intractable…. (paragraph 2)
C. “Certainly the offering of these must have been an act of the highest merit.…” (paragraph 2)
D. Great bubbles rose and burst, the metal melted and ran like the sap from a tree.… (paragraph 2)

Respuesta :


Part A The statement that best expresses a theme of the folk tale is:

B. B. The spirit behind a gift means more than the gift’s size.

Part B The excerpt that best supports the answer above is:

C. “Certainly the offering of these must have been an act of the highest merit.…” (paragraph 2)


It is important to note that the nun did not misjudge the madman who offered the two coins. She simply thought the two coins, being so small, would not have made a different when making the statue. However, as soon as she realized the copper wouldn't melt, she remembered his offering, immediately understanding the value of the man who had given it. She goes to the point of saying he will one day "attain Buddhahood", meaning he will achieve enlightenment, or Nirvana. Thus, even though his gift was of a small size, his spirit was advanced, superior, extremely valuable, which made his offering valuable as well. No wonder he is described as a madman - enlightened beings are often described as such, since they view the world differently.

Universidad de Mexico