The answer to this question is given below in the explanation section.
This question is about calculating the sum and average of the elements in the given array.
The code is given below:
int sum=0, count;
for (count = 0; count < items. length; count++)
statement 1
statement 2
Then this question is asked that which of the following substitutions for and will cause this code to correctly print the average of the valid array elements in items?
So, The correct answer is A. Because the first statement counts the sum of all the given elements in the array. And, the second statement print the average (sum/count) and store result in double.
A. Statement 1:
sum += items[count];
Statement 2:
System.out.println((double)sum / count);
So that the correct and complete program is given below:
int sum=0, count;
for (count = 0; count < items. length; count++)
sum += items[count];
System.out.println((double)sum / count);