Someone please find me an answer key or help me .

-CLERK is backwords, bottom right the 5th letter up is the C.
-APPRENTICE is the 4th letter down from the top left corner, that A is the first letter.
-8 letters to the right, 6 letters down is the H for HAUNTED
-PROFIT is the last 6 letters on the 1st line.
-from the bottom right corner, go to the fourth letter, the R it is the R for PARTNER.
-The very first E in the top left corner is the last E for ACQUAINTANCE
-PAST is the 2nd row, 6th letter is the P.
-PHANTOM is from the bottom right corner, 6th letter to the left then go up to -the 3rd letter is the P for PHANTOM
-POSSESSED is 2nd to last row, 5th letter in is the P
-NEPHEW is the bottom right corner, 3rd letter is the N and it goes diagonal up to the left ish.
-IGNORANCE from the top right corner, the I in profit 2nd to last letter in the row is the I for IGNORANCE, it goes diagonally.
-PRESENT is the 4th letter down and 3rd letter to the left from the top right corner. it goes down.
-SUFFICIENT from the bottom right corner, 6th letter then up one is the S for SUFFICIENT
-FUTURE is the very first 6 letters from the top left corner, it's backwords.
-VAGUE is from the bottom left corner, 5th letter up, then 3rd letter to the right is the V, it goes upward.
-BUSINESS is from top right 3rd letter down is the last S in BUSINESS
-ADJOINING from bottom left 4th letter over to right then up 1 is the A
-MALADY is from bottom left corner, 4th letter up and over to the right 1 letter is the M, it goes upward.
-ROBE is the 2nd letter from top left corner, the R, it goes diagonally.
-COMICAL from bottom left corner, over to 5th letter, up to 3rd letter is the C, it goes up.
-PREDICAMENT is top right, down to 5th letter then over to 5th letter is the P, it's backward
I can help you find more if you want.