Respuesta :


I think the LGBT is a good thing for people even though it may cause some agruements but homestly I am struggling with figuring out who I am right now.


Tbh, that is how I feel all sumed up.

    I support the lgbtq+ community, especially since I am apart of it. I like the idea of a community; people coming together because they all have something in common. Living in the very conservative parts of Texas (I don't say this to stereotype conservatives, but the majority of them aren't supportive) I feel scared to be myself. Pride parades, lgbtq+ centers, and online communities, and allies help me to feel loved and normal because it helps me realize that I'm not alone. The support of the community has helped many people to keep going on. Most people apart of the lgbtq+ community will be accepting of others because they know what it's like to not feel accepted. Unfortunately, there is a lot of drama within the community about what's considered valid. This can be stressful for some because the lgbtq+ community is supposed to be supportive but they don't feel like they belong in the community.