Refer to the passage.

"If you come to consider the conditions a country requires to be thought to receive the excess of population flowing from European sources in such a state that the latter may have hopes of good prospects we find that to a relative depopulation and consequent cheapness of land with want of men to till the soil, you must add a mild and temperate climate which will induce the immigrants to establish in the land of his adoption and continue his old manner of living, without being obliged to habituate himself to a new system; there should be complete security for persons and property guaranteed by the laws and tribunals; there should also exist, at the very least, as much liberty of action and of thought as immigrants enjoyed at his own country; there should likewise exist proper means of communication which would facilitate an easy and cheap traffic between the parties, their ideas and their industrial products; and lastly there should reign throughout the country where the immigrants directs his steps a grade of civilization in all equal to that which is to be found in the most part of European governments.

All of these conditions are to be found . . . in the Argentine Republic.”

1883 government report on European immigration to the Argentine Republic

Which of the following best explains the goals of the Argentine Republic in encouraging immigration in the late 1800s?

It wanted to offset the migration of indigenous people to Europe.
It needed soldiers due to a looming crisis with neighboring Brazil.
It was experiencing labor shortages due to growing demand for exports.
It was seeking to replace labor lost to the emancipation of enslaved persons.