
Husband has gone to Walla W to day & is not expected to return [until] tomorrow eve, & I am alone for the first time to sustain the family altar, in the midst of a room full of native youth & boys, who have come in to sing as usual. After worship several gathered close [around] me as if anxious I should tell them some thing about the Bible. I had been reading the 12th chap of Acts, & with Richards help endeavoured to give them an account of Peters imprisonment . . . as well as I could. O that I had full possession of their language so that I could converse with them freely.

According to the passage, what was an obstacle to the Whitmans’ mission work?

A. The American Indians showed no signs of being religious.
B. The American Indians had no interest in interacting with the missionaries.
C. The Whitmans had difficulty communicating with the American Indians.
D. The Whitmans were engaged in a violent conflict with the American Indians.