Respuesta :
1st Law: A book lying on the table remains at rest as long as no net force acts on it.
A rolling ball on rough surface or ground stops earlier than on the smooth surface because rough surfaces offer more friction than a smooth surface.
A stone in the ground is in a state of rest.
The marathoner continues to run several meters beyond the finish line due to the law of inertia of his career.
2nd Law: Pushing a broken down car among more people will make the car move faster.
A lady teaches two children to ride a bicycle: one 4-year-old and the other 10-year-old, so that they arrive at the same place, they will have to exert more force when pushing the 10-year-old boy because his weight is greater.
A car needs a certain amount of horsepower to be able to drive on the road.
Imagine two people, one with more force than the other, pushing a table, in different directions. The person with greater strength is pushing towards the east, and the person with less force towards the north.
3rd Law: If one billiard ball hits another, the second will move with the same force as the first.
A man deflates a balloon; the force with which the air comes out causes the balloon to move from one side to the other.
A child wants to jump to climb a tree (reaction), he must push the ground to propel himself (action).
Hammer pushes a nail.
Hope that helps :)