Sl.No Lesson
No. Name of Lesson Round II Round III Round IV
1 1 His Tracing changes through a thousand years 15
2 1 Geo Our Environment 13
3 2 Geo Composition of our planet 13
4 3 Geo Movements on the Earth and major landforms 13
5 1 Civs Democracy and Equality 12
6 2 Civs Institutional Representation of Democracy 12
7 6 Civs Gender Issues: Social Aspects 12
8 7 Civs Media and Democracy 10
9 2 His New Rulers:India after Harshavardhana 13
10 3 His New Rulers:The Sultanate period 15
11 8 His Religious Beliefs and popular movements 10
12 4 Geo External Processes and changing landforms 15
13 5 Geo Our Atmosphere 10
14 9 Geo Human Settlements 15
15 3 Civs The State Government 10
16 4 Civs Functioning of the State Government 12
17 5 His Architecture, Painting and Music 10
18 6 His Trade, Towns and Crafts 10
19 8 His Religious Beliefs and popular movements 10
20 4 Geo External Processes and changing landforms 10
21 7 Geo Our Atmosphere 10
22 8 Geo Natural Vegetation and Wildlife 10
23 9 Geo Human Settlement 10
24 3 Civs The State Government 10
25 4 Civs Functioning of the State Government 10
26 9 Civs From Producers to Consumers:Types of Markets 10
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Class - 7 - Social Science Syllabus