
2. How are Ashley Walker's and Maya Allen's opinions connected to each other?
a) Right there
b) Think and search
c) Author and you
d) On my own

Respuesta :

How are Ashley Walker’s and Maya Allen’s opinions connected to each other?

Walker’s belief that social media promotes science fields is contradicted by Allen who believes in the strength of diverse communities.

Walker’s opinion about the low number of Black women in her field is echoed by Allen’s comment that she feels isolated in the academic environment.

Walker’s comment about how she benefits from the Black in STEM movement contrasts with Allen’s account of Antoine, the enslaved man who was a botanist.

Walker’s experience of feeling close to the Black science community is supported by Allen’s account of being the only Black botany student in her program.


Walker’s opinion about the low number of Black women in her field is echoed by Allen’s comment that she feels isolated in the academic environment.


Ashley Walker’s and Maya Allen’s opinions are connected to each other because they both felt that black women in their chosen professions were few.

Ashley Walker first brought the subject up because she noticed a low number of black women in her field and Maya Allen also lent her voice by saying she felt isolated in her academic environment because of the low number of black women there.