
How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?

1This is a question that has been pondered over the centuries. Can it be answered using scientific method? Is it a scientific question?

The Goal of Science
2The goal of science is to answer questions about the natural world. Scientific questions must be testable. Which of these two questions is a good scientific question and which is not?

What is the age of our planet Earth?
How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?
3The first is a good scientific question that can be answered by radiometrically dating rocks among other techniques. The second cannot be answered using data, so it is not a scientific question. Which of the following would be considered a good scientific question?

A-Why do airplanes fly?

B-How much does a thermometer weigh?

C What is your favorite food?

D) How does size affect the speed of an object rolling down a hill?i