
Make a Passage in Spanish:


Final Dress for less and look success

__1. Introduce yourself, describe how you are feeling today.

__2. Introduce your theme, for example what occasion are you dressing up for?

__3.Pick 10 different outfits your are considering to wear for this occasion(Theme ocasion)

_4. Please describe the outfits(Color,name, style), and give reasons what you might choose this one for, in what ocasion.

5. Please include a ball park price for each item, and please mention where you would find them.

__6. Todo en espanol.

Respuesta :

1) Hola mi nombre es (Your Name), hoy me siento feliz.

2) Hoy me vestiré para ir a una fiesta de cumpleaños.

3) a lo mejor me pondré uno de estos

1. Falda

2. vestido

3. blusa de peluche

4. Shorts de mezclilla

5. vestido de lentejuelas

6. chaleco de brillantina

7. pantalones de vestir denim

8. playera simple

9. capucha

10. corredores

4) La falda sería una falda azul y de tela. La usaría con una playera Blanca. Me la podría para un cumpleaños de mi primo/prima

El vestido sería un vestido Floral hasta las rodillas. lo usaría para una sena con mis papas

la blusa de peluche sería manga larga y color mostaza, me la pondría con los shorts denim. usarías para mí cumpleaños

los shorts de mezclilla los usaría con la blusa de peluche, para mi fiesta

el vestido de lentejuelas sería uno negro, y lo usaría para una fiesta formal

el chaleco de brillantina me lo pondría para una fiesta formal, arriba de una playera Blanca.

Los pantalones de vestir denim los usará con una playera normal. los usaría en una fiesta de una amiga.

La playera, la usara en una fiesta de mis amigos con unos pantalones de mezclilla.

la capucha la usaría con unos corredores para una fiesta en que no sea formal.

los corredores los usaría con una capucha blanca en una fiesta que no sea formal.

5) la falda sería de unos 15$, el vestido Flora de unos 20$, la blusa de peluche de 18$, los shorts de mezclilla de 18$, vestido de lentejuelas seria 25$, chaleco seria 15$, pantalones de mezclilla 20$, playera seria 8$, la capucha de 18$, y los corredores de 18$.


1) Hello my name is (Your Name), today I feel happy.

2) Today I will get dressed to go to a birthday party.

3) maybe I'll wear one of these

1. Skirt

2. dress

3. fluffy blouse

4. Denim shorts

5. sequin dress

6. glitter vest

7. denim dress pants

8. simple t-shirt

9. hoodie

10. Joggers

4) The skirt would be a blue and fabric skirt. I would wear it with a white shirt. I could get it for my cousin's birthday

The dress would be a Floral knee length dress. I would use it for a dinner with my parents for their birthday

The fluffy blouse would be long sleeves and mustard color, I would wear it with the denim shorts. would you use for my birthday

I would wear the denim shorts with the fluffy blouse, for my party

the sequin dress would be a black one, and I would wear it to a formal party

I would wear the glitter vest for a formal party, on top of a white shirt.

Denim dress pants will be worn with a regular shirt. I would wear them at a friend's party.

The shirt, I will wear it at a party of my friends with jeans.

the hoodie would be worn with joggers for a party that is not formal.

joggers would wear them with a white hood at a party other than formal.

5) The skirt would be about $ 15, the Flora dress would be about $ 20, the fluffy blouse would be $ 18, the denim shorts would be $ 18, sequin dress would be $ 25, vest would be $ 15, jeans would be 20 $ 8, the shirt would be $ 8, the hood would be $ 18, and the joggers would be $ 18.

(I tried my best hehe)