Choose a strong character from your novel. In the organizer, analyze how the five factors shape this character’s identity. You will also be taking it a step further by exploring how these same five factors influence and shape your own identity.
Name Character’s Name:
Your Name:
1. What relationships are important/influential in this person’s life? List 3 relationships and give examples from the text explaining how each relationship shaped the character. List 3 relationships and give examples from your life explaining how each relationship shaped you.
2. What major life experiences/events have played
A significant role in the molding of his or her personality? List 2 events and give examples from the text explaining how each event shaped the character. List 2 events and give examples from your life explaining how each event shaped you.
3 How has the environment in which this person has lived affected his or her personality? List 2 settings and give examples from the text explaining how each setting shaped the character. List 2 settings and give examples from your life explaining how each setting shaped you.
4 What are the actions of other characters that affected the major character? List 3 actions of other characters and give examples from the text explaining how each action shaped the character. List 3 actions of other people in your life and give examples explaining how each action shaped the character.
5 What lesson did this person learn? How did he/she change? Give one example of a life lesson this character learned. Give one example of a life lesson you have learned.

Respuesta :

Can this be any book?


what book?
