Respuesta :

Answer:There are three main types of skin cancer. The most serious is melanoma. Our skin is made up of cells: basal cells, squamous cells and melanocytes. The different types of skin cancer are named for the skin cell where the cancer develops: basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma.





Basal cell carcinomas occur most frequently on exposed parts of the body, including the face, ears, neck, scalp, shoulders and back.

Squamous cell carcinomas often arise from small, sandpaper-like growths called actinic keratoses. They may appear as nodules or red, scaly patches of skin.

Melanoma may suddenly appear without warning, but it may also begin in, or near a mole, or another dark spot in the skin. Excessive sun exposure, particularly sunburn, is thought to be the most important cause of melanoma.


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