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Keep It Brief and Avoid Cliches

Most essays ask for 500 words or less, and cover letters should not exceed one page. Achieve this by sticking to main points and avoiding excessive detail. For example, if you had a life-changing experience on a camping trip, focus on the specific experience. Information on how well you slept adds unnecessary fluff to the essay, which is not likely to be well received.

Cliches are overused phrases that make your essay blend in rather than stand out, and should be avoided. For example, if you enjoy customer service, try something like "The energy of patrons motivates me," rather than "I am a people person."

Emphasize Your Qualifications

Most job descriptions or college applications provide a list of what they are looking for. Consult this list and emphasize qualifications you meet. For example, if you are applying for a scholarship that asks for 100 hours of community service and you have 150, bring it up in the letter by writing about your dedication to your community.

Highlight the strengths revealed in how you meet the qualifications. If you believe you are a dependable employee, use part of your cover letter to explain how you make it a point to help out when you hear of someone who needs an extra hand.

Explain Why You Are Worthy

You want to tell your audience why their institute would benefit from your presence. Get familiar with the company or scholarship organization you are applying to and explain how you fit their cause. For example, if you are seeking employment with a company known for being environmentally conscious, include ways you try to help the environment. Maybe you recycle and started a recycling drive or cut down on waste by making things yourself. Know the background of scholarships you apply to. For example, a scholarship sponsored by the Parent-Teacher Association may want to see ways you help put on academic functions.

Show Your Personality

When responding to an essay prompt or writing a cover letter, avoid generalizations. Often applicants find an easy way to relate and write an essay that could have been written by anyone. Avoid this by taking an experience and narrowing it to reveal your unique qualities. For college and scholarship applications, the essays usually request a particular accomplishment that you are proud of. You may include that you volunteer at a food bank in your resume. Rather than summarize your experience, illustrate what it has meant to you by writing about a time you helped a patron find a better job or connected to them.




Some reasons why I deserve the ps5 are: I am really good at school, if you give me work to do, I will do my best to get my tasks done on time! I will never be late to turn in an assignment. I also have never failed a test!

I am selfless, I give all my expensive things to the poor such as money, shoes, and much more. I help at the homeless shelter and take care of them as well as the elderly. This ps5 is a way to reward me because everyone deserves an award.

I am really good at gaming, I I also spend a lot of time gaming. If you were to show up at my house, I will probably be gaming, that's how you know that this PlayStation will be going to someone that will actually use it instead of keeping it laying down for dust to get all over it.

I share all of my stuff, therefore my younger brother will get enjoyment out of this. I let him play on my console whenever he wants. As I said before, I am selfless, I never keep it to my self, so basically, if you give me the ps5, you're actually giving it to my family and not just me.

I have this critical condition to where I play, my thumbs HAVE to be right across each other. The controller, in fact, is perfect for my thumbs, making it much easier to game. and everything else about the controller is just beautiful.

In conclusion, not only do I want it but I NEED it (for health issues). Thank you for this opportunity and I expect the ps5 on my door within 24 hours.