Here is a riddle:
The sum of two numbers is less than 10.
If we subtract the second number from the first, the difference is greater than 3.
Write a system of inequalities that represents this situation. Let f represent the first number and s represent the second number.

Respuesta :


The system of inequalities that represents this situation will be:

[tex]f + s < 10[/tex]

[tex]f - s > 3[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

  • Let 'f' represent the first number
  • Let 's' represent the second number.

Given that the sum of the two numbers is less than 10. As 'less than' can be represented by '<'.

  • so the inequality would be: f + s < 10

Given that If we subtract the second number from the first, the difference is greater than 3. As 'greater than' can be represented by '>'.

  • so the inequality would be: f-s > 3

Thus, the system of inequalities that represents this situation will be:

[tex]f + s < 10[/tex]

[tex]f - s > 3[/tex]