will mark brainliest
Read and write a email.

Write a short email in Spanish in complete sentences. Use the vocabulary from this lesson and the following suggestions as a guide for your answer:

You may copy and paste the accented and special characters from this list if needed: Á, á, É, é, Í, í, Ó, ó, Ú, ú, ü, Ñ, ñ, ¡, ¿

*Note: The sample sentences in parentheses are just a guide to help you form your sentences. You must come up with your own original answers, keeping academic integrity intact.

Your Spanish teacher found you a pen pal from a Spanish-speaking country! You're so excited to meet a new friend and tell him/her about your school and your likes and dislikes in school using complete Spanish sentences.

For your first email, be sure to include:

one sentence with a school subject you like. Remember to use the correct format and pronoun for the verb gustar. (e.g., I like social studies.)
one sentence with a school subject you do not like. Remember to use the correct format and pronoun for the verb gustar. (e.g., I don't like technology class.)
one sentence stating one school supply you need for the class you don't like. Remember to use the yo form of the verb necesitar. (e.g., I need a computer in technology class.) can u help plz

Respuesta :


Mi nombre es (insert name) y vivo en (insert location/state)

Mi materia favorita en la escuela es la clase de (inster subject). Estoy trabajando en un (insert project or assignment). Aunque me gusta más (something you like more then the project). No me gusta la clase de (instert class). Es aburrido y soy terrible en el (part of class you are bad at).  Necesito usar (instert thing you need for class).